We've felt very blessed to make some really great friends in the 12 months that we've lived here in Fresno. A couple weeks ago a good friend from church hosted a couple's baby shower for us. It was fun to have all the couples we've met in our young marrieds group at church, as well as some other couples we've met in Fresno all together in one place. We felt loved and "showered" with a lot of adorable clothes, as well as a lot of things that we need. We're finally feeling like some of those necessary non-clothing items are being crossed off our list! Here's me on the way to the shower, at 32 1/2 weeks. We meant to take pictures at the shower, but forgot.

Last night the sweet women in the Women's Bible Study group at my church held a shower for me. It was a fun night with the ladies, and once again we are feeling so blessed by the gifts and the love and support from our church family. Here's what I looked like last night. I really can't believe how much bigger I seem in less than two weeks!

Tonight we went to our second childbirth class. We weren't going to have a tour of the hospital until the fourth class, but the teacher decided to take us over there tonight. I was excited to see it. It's definitely helping me to visualize the birthing center, the room, the hospital, the layout, etc. It's also been good to talk through some breathing techniques, and to just be comforted in knowing that I have a lot of options as far as bringing in an exercise ball to sit on, or the flexibility to do squats and walk around if I so choose. I'd like to deliver as naturally as possible, but am not going to put that pressure on myself either. My preference is NOT to be induced, and if I end up needing some kind of drug, I definitely don't want the full numbing epidural.
Another 34-week picture (today).

My doctor has mentioned a few times that most women stop working around 36 weeks. Well, that's less than two weeks from now! I plan to work later than that, but just knowing that deadline is so near makes me realize I need to at least start making arrangements for when I'm not at work. Time is ticking!