I've been enjoying my time at home with Ellie. Michael has been back to work and I'm getting into more of a routine each day. Last night we had our best night yet! Ellie woke up every few hours to eat and then went straight back to sleep, instead of staying up for hours and fussing like she has been at 3am. It was the first night where I just got up, fed her, and put her back to bed, which means Michael got a full night's sleep! I'm hoping this is due to more concerted efforts to keep her awake during the day, and she's getting used to nighttime.
At our last appointment on Monday Ellie weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz, so she's definitely passed her birth weight. She's eating well, although we've had a few issues. There are many times when I worry about her getting enough to eat, but she definitely seems to be thriving.
I take a lot of pictures throughout the day. I can't help posting some more of my favorite photos from recently:
Ellie's Christmas stocking arrived in the mail from our friend LeAnn. She made Michael and my stockings, as well as most of the Chapman family's. She is very talented and made a beautiful stocking. We can't wait to use it this year!

My mom told me that when I was born all the nurses and doctors commented on how big and long my feet were. Well, Ellie has been getting the same comments from the nurses and doctors. I guess that's one thing we know she inherited from me. :)

Ellie loves going on walks with mom.

I just discovered in the last few days that Ellie enjoys hanging out with her stuffed friends on the floor during her "awake" time. Other activities during this time usually include reading stories, singing songs, and sitting in her bouncer.

Our next door neighbor brought this outfit over this week, and I love what it says. It's so true. I am amazed and overwhelmed with gratefulness every single day for this beautiful baby girl that we get to call ours: