The girls and I had an opportunity to travel to Oregon for a quick week, during the same days Michael flew to Columbia for meetings with MCC.
Two days before the trip Ellie got an ear infection and we quickly put her on antibiotics. The day of the trip I was feeling pretty down, and had extreme pain in my ears during the flights. The morning after we arrived we went to Urgent Care and I discovered I had a double ear infection and a ruptured ear drum. Let's just say I was pretty miserable. Hazel, too, had an ear infection, so the three of us were on antibiotics for the week. One of the things I was looking forward to the most being in Oregon was simply going for a run outside, with no worries about where I was or running alone. It's a freedom I don't have here and I had been excited to go running in Oregon for weeks beforehand. Unfortunately, being sick and all, I spent more time taking naps than I had planned, and didn't get to run. Oh well.
Other than that, we had a great trip. My grandma flew in from North Carolina, and somehow we ended up on the same flight from Houston to Portland! My brother surprised us and drove up from Fresno, so it was nice to see family.
And so, a summary through pictures of a too-quick but fun week:
Ellie helped grandpa with a project. |
We went to a ceramics place to paint, and Hazel replaced my mug. |
4 Generations together again. |
We helped Grandma and Great-Grandma plant flowers. |
Ellie loved to climb this tree. No pink dress was going to hold her back! |
Ellie had a reunion with Goober! |
It's always good to see Uncle David! |
We went to Newport on the coast and saw some tide pools... |
...and touched a few squishy things. |
We went to the Aquarium. |
Hazel "caught" a fish, and displayed it proudly. |
We rode a carousel. |
We went to Enchanted Forest. |
Even I got to ride a ride. |
Though it was a quick visit, we were happy to see family and see Oregon for a short time.
We can't wait to come back for our home leave next year! |