We've been conducting interviews recently and a question we sometimes ask got me thinking. Here's a paraphrased version:
Of all the injustices in the world, which one are you most likely to care about?
This got me thinking about a potential list of injustices.
I brainstormed, and in no way is this an exhaustive list, but some injustices that came to mind:
Childhood poverty
Cycles of generational poverty
Sex trafficking
Child labor
Sweat shops
Lack of services for veterans (ptsd and mental health issues)
Access to medical care
Access to clean water
For-profit prison systems
Corruption in government
Development of business trumping the poor
Indigenous populations losing their culture
Global warming
Child abuse
Domestic abuse
Female genital mutilation
Child brides
Child soldiers
Fair wages
The problem is that many people ignore these and choose to focus on trivial issues.
Complaints about too many social programs and taxes? For real? From your safe, comfy home with decent schools and maintained roads? Really? Or, maybe you want to focus on a person's sexual orientation? How about your right to carry a weapon without any accountability? That's what you're pissed about? That's where your energies lie, when people are dying, children are being abused? I simply don't understand. We are having completely different conversations. Or rather, we see the world very differently and therefore aren't even at the same table.
This isn't just about hashtag-first-world-problems. I can acknowledge a time and place for that. This is another level, getting angry and worked up over things that, in comparison, don't mean squat.
And this is even more frustrating because most of these trivial concerns come from my fellow(I hate to say that because it implies we are somehow coming from a similar point of view) Christians. If you, my fellow Christ-followers, could put aside abortion and gay marriage, just for a minute, then what? What else could you focus on? You're pro-life? Great. Lets talk about the women who chose not to abort. How do we ensure their babies aren't hungry or malnourished? That they are treated with respect and dignity as human beings? Is the right of two people who love each other marrying really affecting your ability to raise your children? Please, move on to something that actually matters in this world.
It's not about guilt. I know it's overwhelming, the list of issues that actually matter. But pick something that matters. Don't feel guilty. Don't just get mad. Figure out how to advocate for someone in a position of injustice, without a Voice. Acknowledge that there truly are injustices. Begin there, with a lens of empathy and understanding.
This isn't about being self-righteous. It's about caring about Love more than Hate. Righting wrongs. Ending cycles of ignorance and acknowledging privilege. Being the Change you want to see.
What injustices are you going to care about ? And, how are you going to respond?