Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Michael and I have been compiling two lists:

1) Pennsylvanian's Perceptions of Oregon
2) Differences between OR and PA

This is a list that we started, but I'm sure we'll add on to it as time goes on:

Perceptions of Oregon
(These come from conversations with people at work and as we meet people who find out we're from Oregon)

-Oregon has many ferns in the forest
-Everyone is healthy (that's why we don't smoke, obviously)
-We Recycle!
-When someone thinks Oregon, they think:
-Tree huggers
-Euthanasia ("Oregonians are OK with killing people, just don't cut down the trees!" This one comes from one of Michael's professors)
-Oregon Trail-the computer game and the wagons out west
-Spotted Owl
-Coffee (Thank you Starbucks!)
-Wine Country
-One of my co-workers said Michael is the epitome of what he thinks of when he imagines an Oregonian: a tall, strong jaw who could "beat him up and then go build a house" (What does that even mean?)

Differences we've noticed between Pennsylvania and Oregon:

-Squirrels are everywhere in PA
-Michael doesn't own a suit (as someone asked him, so what do you wear to weddings?)
-When it rains, it RAINS (in Oregon we don't use umbrellas, here they are needed)
-Pedestrians, be one and risk your life (In Oregon, there are new state laws all the time relating to pedestrians)
-Styrofoam-restaurants, coffee shops, to-go boxes, all styrofoam....At least paper is recyclable!
-People drink coffee from Dunkin Donuts (In Oregon that would be the last place we would think to go...but it's great here. And cheap.)
-Wawa-See previous post from last fall. Heaven in a convenience store. Not like 7-11 in any way.
-People prefer black coffee to espresso
-Flip flops may be worn at all times for any function in Oregon
-No maple bars in PA
-No turn lanes-narrow roads here (hence risk to pedestrians)
-Delayed Red Lights (Yellow means push the pedal, not slow down like in Oregon)
-No Right turn on Red
-Townships-are in counties, are made up of cities, and villages, and I still don't really get it.
-Sales tax-but not on clothes
-We have to pump our own gas (unless we drive to New Jersey, the only other state besides OR that has gas attendants)
-No bike lanes
-Croissant pronounced with a French accent
-To cut back on alcohol being available and binge drinking, they sell alcohol in separate stores (Wine and Spirits and/or Beer Yards), but only in mass quantities. 6 packs not available.)
-People go to the beach and don't need 3 layers of clothes
-People go to the beach


  1. Gotta love that spotted owl... or NOT! We actually heard one Saturday night out by my parent's house.
    Flip flops are so allowed at any time for any reason!
    Sounds like driving there would be scary... flooring it on yellow? Yikes!

  2. and bouroughs are in townships...but I still don't get that either.

    hitching posts in grocery store parking lots for the Amish buggies, little huts on the sides of the roads for the school children waiting for buses, POT HOLES EVERYWHERE!!, MTO (Made to order) deli in gas stations, good coffee in gas stations, WINGS...all flavors and really cheap, the real philly cheese steaks, diners..lots of them! Covered bridges....

    oh the memories!
