Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fresno Here We Come

We're packed up. Michael is getting the U-haul as I write this. We have mixed feelings about going. We are so very excited about starting this next phase in our lives. I can't begin to explain what a relief it is to go from not only being unemployed, but working random jobs over the past few years, to having a job with benefits and a salary and a sense of permanence. We are excited to begin looking for an apartment or house to rent. We feel lucky that the cost of living in Fresno is not terrible (especially after living near Philadelphia). Michael is excited to start his new job, officially two weeks from today. We are ready to settle down somewhere and be able to find a church home, and to just know we are staying in one place for a little while.

We are feeling sad about leaving Colorado, especially because we've had a great time living with Tim and Amy, and our niece Isabelle. Isabelle knows us and we just have so much fun with her, as she is daily learning new words and fun mannerisms. At least we have Skype, but we will miss her/them.

So, we will be heading out early tomorrow morning. We're planning on stopping somewhere in Utah the first night, and then finishing the trip on Thursday. Google maps says its about 17 1/2 hours, but since we're pulling a U-haul trailer it will take quite a bit longer. We had to replace our tires on our car today, so hopefully that will be the only glitch in our travels.

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