Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bye-Bye Outrageous Interest Rates!

Today marks a significant day for us.

We paid off our credit card!!!!

For the past few years we have tried, on and off, to use Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University philosophy of using cash and not credit cards to get out of debt.

It's been tough to do when we've both been in graduate school, and then long bouts of unemployment and uncertainty, raising support for Rwanda, and moving A LOT.

But, in January I started a job full-time and we vowed to keep our budget as tight as it had been before, so any extra income could go straight to our credit card. In less than 4 months we paid off over $8800 in credit card debt! We are so thankful! Our only debt we have left, since we don't own a house, is our multiple school loans. These loans make our credit card debt look like chump change, but we are focused and ready. It will take a lot longer than a few months, but for us, the stress of school loans is much less in comparison to the outrageous "minimum payments" and interest added to having a credit card.

Regardless of what the future holds, we can move forward with a lot less guilt and stress knowing we are becoming more financially responsible and stable.

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