Thursday, June 21, 2012

Curb Walking

My due date is in 7 days. If I make it another week past that I will be scheduled for a C-section.

This means our baby will be here within the next 14 days. Wow. That's soon.

Of course, I'm hoping for earlier so I've started trying a few of the old wive's tales for inducing labor: walking (I've been trying to walk once, if not twice a day), squats, sitting on an exercise ball, and something I just learned about a few days ago: curb walking.

Never heard of it? Neither had I. It's just walking along a curb, one step on top of the curb, one on the road. It's supposed to jostle the baby down into the pelvis. It's good cardio and also a good gluteus maximus workout, in case you ever want to add to your workout regimen.

Some mothers swear that these and some other things will induce labor, that it "totally worked" for them, but then go on to tell me that they did it for days or weeks before it "worked." The pessimistic side of me thinks, maybe it worked, maybe the baby was just ready. But I know some of these things are shown to help a lot of women jump start labor.

Despite my doubts, I have to admit that two nights ago I tried curb walking and during that walk I experienced a few harder contractions than I've had to date, plus yesterday I felt several more, something I never experienced with Ellie. 

Guess what I'm going to be doing after dinner tonight? More curb walking. And I might sit on an exercise ball while eating spicy food.

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