Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Today's Pregnancy Update

I had another appointment today. It was a post-due date appointment I scheduled weeks ago, but hoped would be unnecessary.

The good news is our little girl looks healthy and strong. Amniotic fluids look good (unlike Ellie at this stage) and she just seems to be content right where she's at. She's so comfortable that my body has made no progress. I'm dilated to a 1cm and about 50% effaced. In other words, NOTHING HAS CHANGED in two weeks.

I'm very thankful that my doctor is extremely supportive of my desire for a VBAC. As of this morning she has absolutely no reason to recommend a C-section. Instead, she's letting me try to go into labor on my own. It's up to me as far as scheduling surgery right now, which is not my desire. An induction is not an option at this stage. When it comes to VBACs, inductions are highly frowned upon. If I were to dilate to a 3 or 4 by my next appointment then breaking my waters would become an option.

So...we wait. On Friday I head to the hospital for another check-up, since my doctor is on-call. If things are exactly the same (no progress but also no reason for concern) we have the option to go home and go in again on Monday.

We have the option to "throw in the towel" and schedule a C-section, but that's not our ideal or plan. As convenient as that sounds, a VBAC is our desire and we want to hold to that. We have always been against scheduling a non-medically necessary C-section (or induction) and thus we want to do everything we can to try to go into labor naturally. Hopefully, time will be enough to get that going!

It's emotionally and mentally tiring because in so many ways I'm "done" being pregnant. I can empathize with why so many opt for a non-medically necessary C-section. Michael and I know we want to just make the decision that if everything is the same we will choose to wait out the weekend.

It will be tough to be in the hospital on Friday, knowing that we could just say the words and schedule surgery and have a baby in our arms within a couple of hours-especially because my mom has been here for over a week and leaves on Sunday. I'm staying focused on the fact that we have a healthy baby in utero and our desire is to do everything we can to avoid a C-section.

We're praying for spontaneous labor to happen before we have to deal with more tough decisions.

Time for more curb walking.

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