Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bye-Bye Baby/Hello Big Girl:Potty Time

This was a big week for my first-born.

On Tuesday, Ellie got her first haircut.
And then there was today,
Day One of Potty Training.

Ellie has showed "signs" of being ready. I thought I'd wait longer after having a baby, but I've been feeling good about my new routine and decided there was no reason to delay.

We bought a potty several months ago and Ellie has used it a few times with success. Since we use cloth diapers she's been aware of what's been going on for a while. 
(It's been said that cloth diapered babies potty train a full year ahead of disposable babies-yet another reason to use cloth diapers!)

Last night Ellie and I took a special trip to Target and bought some big girl underwear, stickers, and M & Ms. I told her in the morning we'd be saying goodbye to her diapers.

This Morning,
When Ellie got up we took her diaper off and put her straight onto the potty, now strategically placed in the living room, in the center of our small house.

And Then,
It was no pants time!

She had her first accident on the floor right away. That helped her figure out what was going on. 

After That,
She had several successes on the potty. She got a sticker for her potty chart and one M & M each time. At the first mention of the colored candies (which she has only had once before) she headed straight to the potty.
They were a great motivator today.

At least one sentimental moment:
We watched an Elmo video called "You'll Use the Potty" and I actually teared up. 
Yes, Elmo made me cry
as I realized my baby is becoming a big girl.

She had that first accident right away,
And two other times she started to go on the floor, stopped, went to the potty, and finished there.
She peed 8 times on the potty, in total.

I Am A Proud Mama.
I feel like it was a successful day because I made a hot dinner,
washed our cloth diapers, 
nursed our 6 week-old several times,
watched my oldest daughter slip further away from babyhood.

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