Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy 4 Months Hazel Jane!

Hazel is 1/3 of a year already!
Yesterday we went to the doctor for both her and Ellie. 
Hazel is 15 lbs 5 oz and 25 1/2 inches. At 4 months Ellie was just a little shorter, 
but Hazel weighs 1 1/2 pounds more, in the 90th percentile for weight. 
She's our little chunk, as her Daddy says. :)

Hazel sleeps through the night and has since about 8 weeks. I put her to bed around 7:30 PM and she sleeps until around 7:30 AM. Sometimes she wakes up talking at 6 or 6:30 but a simple pacifier puts her back to sleep a bit longer. I still wake her up to feed her once around 10 PM. That will be the next feeding to drop.
She has been taking four naps, two long and two short, every day. Until recently, she couldn't go more than an hour or so between naps and would still sleep all night. She's a sleepy head!

I was sensing she was ready for a change in schedule as she has been eating less at each feeding, but I couldn't seem to stretch out time between naps. I know every kid is different and I've been MUCH more relaxed about a schedule with Hazel. I've had to be because I'm simply not staying at home for naps nearly as much as I did with Ellie. I absolutely love having a routine/schedule. I truly believe both of my girls are good eaters and sleepers because of it. The beauty of a routine is that I can still be flexible and change it up when I need to, but the framework is there for a content baby. I figure by the time we have another child that poor baby may never have a scheduled nap at home. Okay, I doubt that as I'm still a fairly scheduled person myself, but each child will probably learn to be more flexible than the previous one.

Yesterday Hazel accidentally fell right into a new schedule and dropped a feeding after I had held her feeding off because of being at the doctor. Today she took a 2 1/2 hour morning nap and a 2 hour afternoon nap, and is now eating every 4 hours. I'm learning that my babies tell me when they're ready for a change, and I don't need to always worry about what the books say (though they do help for reference and to appease my research-oriented personality).  
 Hazel is sitting up pretty well when propped and is getting better at tummy time. She hasn't rolled over yet but is trying hard, as you can see above. Ellie was already rolling over at this point, but Hazel has a bit more weight to work with, plus we've realized she probably has gotten less tummy time than Ellie. We're in no hurry. 
We are very blessed with a sweet, happy baby. She wakes up smiling and giggling and usually only fusses when she's tired or hungry. She lights up at the sound of Ellie's voice and knows her sister (and her parents) well. 
I can't believe that 4 months have come and gone. We're having so much fun watching her sweet personality grow every day.

Here's a little video of her "chatting" with me"

Happy 4 months to our sweet Hazel!

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