Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Goodbye Goober

I cried my first real goodbye tears today. I was home alone for an hour while the girls played at a friend’s house. I was packing and doing a quick load of laundry when Goober, my brother’s dog, came up to me, ball in mouth, ready to play fetch.

Michael and I are not necessarily “dog people.” We realize we enjoy watching our girls with dogs but mostly would be fine without one. We don’t feel that we have the time to properly spend with a dog. The opportunity came last summer to take care of my brother’s dog while he was sent overseas with the Navy for several months. It was a win-win. We got a dog that was already trained and super good with kids without having to do all the work.

Ellie has adored Goober, who, until recently, was better known as Goo-Goo in our house. A few days ago they were outside enjoying the warm weather, playing hide and seek and playing fetch. I could hear Ellie’s squeals of delight as Goober ran circles around her. Her first chore has been to help feed Goober in the mornings. They've become buddies. 

In the last couple weeks Hazel has suddenly noticed Goober as well, and is enamored with him. She smiles and waves and crawls towards him whenever she sees him.

So, there I was this morning, switching laundry loads in our garage, when Goober came over to me with pleading eyes to throw his beloved rubber ball, something he could do for hours, and something we don’t do enough of with him. I did. He eagerly chased it and came back to me, ready for more. I started petting him and suddenly realized this was probably our last game of fetch. He’s leaving tonight to stay with my brother’s friend until he returns.

With no warning a lump sprouted in my throat followed by tears. I gave Goober a good petting, saying goodbye in my own silent way. Goober has been a fun family pet to have, even if not “really” ours. I know Ellie will be asking about him for quite some time after we say goodbye to him tonight. He’s been a good friend, a sweet dog, and a loyal companion. I’ve enjoyed taking him on several runs with my double jogging stroller.

I wouldn’t have guessed that my first emotional goodbye this week would be for the dog. I’m terribly emotional with closure and goodbyes, so this week promises to be full of crying and throat lumps.

Thanks for being a good pal to my girls, Goober. We’ll miss you. 
Ellie said, "Goober do that," and lifted her leg to pretend to pee on the tree.

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