Wednesday, May 1, 2013

We Are Home

We moved into our apartment on Sunday. It's probably good we didn't have internet so that I couldn't get online and express some of the emotions we were feeling. We were overwhelmed for several reasons and one of us (I won't specify) actually said "I want to go home," to which the other one of us replied, "We are home."

Michael got sick on Sunday around the time I discovered that what I had hoped were simply coffee grounds were actually mouse droppings all over our cupboards with dishes, pots, silverware, and cups below the counters. We spent hours scrubbing and cleaning. Monday we were supposed to start language school but Michael ended up in bed all day and I continued to clean and scour the apartment, while trying to appease two little ones on a very dirty floor. I've never been so excited to mop.

Hazel came down with a high fever and tonight will be her third night of being feverish and sleeping in only a diaper. I'm hoping and praying she doesn't wake up several times in the night screaming and sweating. She seems a bit better today, though the fever is still present and we're pumping her with Tylenol.

Michael is feeling better. We are glad we took the last few days to clean and get settled in. The apartment finally feels put together. We've moved over a dozen times, but this is the first time we've moved into a furnished place where we had to clean and sort through all the stuff left behind.

We're finally feeling ready (emotionally, physically, and mentally) to begin language study tomorrow. Today we were able to get out and use a car to run some errands. At lunch we sat in a restaurant and looking out the window I could see Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts, and Taco Bell. Two blocks from our apartment is a large mall. We have access to so much.

Today I'm thankful for several household items we were able to purchase. I'll share a few of my favorites below. I'm not sure which I'm the most excited to use. Several more items aren't pictured, including new pillows. I can't wait to go to bed tonight.

I will never take for granted having a booster seat or high chair. Since we arrived the only access we've had to either has been in restaurants. It has made meal time extremely unpleasant as we've tried holding Hazel, feeding her from our laps, and even putting her in a stroller. She has reached a stage of desiring independence and was so content sitting in this chair tonight. She loved every second of it.
(Sidenote: we had two choices for a booster seat: Disney's Cars or Disney Princesses. Ellie chose the Cars. That's our girl!) 
Spices. I can't wait to cook and bake with these. We are still on a hunt for baking soda and baking powder. I guess people prefer going to the panaderia over baking their own bread. 
We had no frying pan until today, and with all the chopping I've done already, dull knives are no good.  
The pot isn't new, but it had been burnt and had crazy residue.  This little scrubber did its magic and I am very happy to be able to use this pot.  
Thanks for continuing to pray for us as we transition. Today was definitely what we needed to get past feeling overwhelmed and to start making this feel like home. I'm sure many more moments of feeling over our heads are in our future, but we already feel stronger for having made it through the last few days.

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