Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Celebrating Hazel's Birth

Hazel's birthday was last weekend. We flew from Guatemala to Pennsylvania on Saturday and Sunday was her birthday. A dear family friend from New York and her kids visited us so we got to celebrate Hazel's birthday with them. We went out to eat and they had carrot cake, which I had made for Ellie's first birthday, so I thought it would be fun to let Hazel try some.

She enjoyed it, but didn't go crazy with it.
This last weekend Michael's brother and his wife drove here from Connecticut for the weekend. They hadn't met Hazel and it had been a year and half since they'd seen Ellie. It was wonderful to connect with family while we're here in the States, especially after all the transitions and changes we've had lately.

We had a little party for Hazel and even had a surprise visit from a Fresno friend who was in town.
Auntie Em, our "adopted" aunt from Fresno. 
"Happy Birthday to me!"

Hazel is so much fun. She is almost always happy. She can scream like crazy and this usually happens at meal time when she sees her food but she can't yet reach it.

She is definitely a cuddler. She loves to sit in our laps or be held. She hugs us and gives lots of kisses. Whenever she hears any kind of music she dances and sings.

One of my favorite things she does these days is fake laugh. She's copying social cues and laughs when others laugh. She waves hello and goodbye (and hola and adios), blows kisses, plays peek-a-boo, and gets strangers to start making silly faces at her.

I'm going to be cliche and say that I can't believe a year has passed since Hazel joined our family. I remember the first year went by quickly with Ellie but this year zipped by even faster. We are blessed and thankful for our sweet girls.

A few more photos from her birthday party:

So close to walking on her own!

Thanks, Barb, for the fun party!
The whole family helped blow out candles.
Happy, Happy Birthday to our Sweet Hazel Jane!


  1. So sweet! And she has so much hair! I was thinking she was older than the girls and then I was like, wait, this is her first birthday and they are 16 months and I can't even put any clips in their hair yet! ;)
    Glad you had a good party!

  2. Happy, happy birthday Hazel! Thank you for all the wonderful pictures! It looks like a fantastic celebration!
