Wednesday, July 31, 2013

City Dump, Guatemala CIty

(Continued from Parts 1, 2, 3)
City Tour: The City Dump

The city dump is located just beyond the National cemetery. We can smell it before we see it.
We walk through a row of obviously forgotten grave sites. There, the vultures are waiting and circling.
 The repugnant smell of the city dump forces us to cover our faces.
 Many people live in the dump. 
There are tents scattered throughout the garbage. 
I can't help but think about the stench and what it must be like to eat and sleep among others' trash.
There are those who make their living combing through the trash, hoping for things to sell or reuse. 
 In the far upper left corner is Grand Tikal Futura, the mall/hotel a few blocks from our home. 
We live close.
I'm aware of a few ministries that work with people who live and work in the dump. I heard about an after school program that helps children who live here. There are possibilities of us working with some of these ministries in the future.


  1. Oh my goodness...that is so tragic. I'll be praying that you guys can enter a space that allows you to reach people there. A way to show them they are loved and important. That they are people who should have options and who have a God that loves them dearly. Perhaps, you can even create a space that makes them feel dignified and special. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I remember going to the dump and being nauseated to think that people lived there...I could hardly stand the smell, and had to work really hard to not cover my mouth and nose while two of us interviewed a young man that lived and worked there. It was a sight and smell I will never forget. Praying for you as you continue to explore and find out where God is at work and determine where God could use you to the best of your abilities for His kingdom!
