Friday, April 11, 2014

Santa Cruz, Bolivia

A few weeks ago we traveled to Bolivia and Peru. Here's the first post in a series I'm hoping to do from our trip.

Bolivia, Part 1

The first week we were mostly in Santa Cruz at a retreat center for meetings. While we were in meetings all day the girls had fun with the other kids. Unfortunately, I didn't get a group shot of the kids this year. Here's Ellie with the daughters of the reps from Nicaragua. They were buddies all week, just like last year.
Watching Frozen
 Just under a year ago we arrived in Guatemala in time for these same meetings, held here in Guatemala. It's fun to see how much some of these kids have changed in one year.
Guatemala, April 2013
We stayed at a place with a pool and a slide. 
It took some convincing, but eventually Ellie went down the slide with Daddy. Victory!
 And, a few more pictures of the kiddos in Santa Cruz:

The son of other reps, and Hazel's little buddy. We became reps around the same time as them and the family of the girls in the picture up above, so we will be seeing each other at least once a year (or more) over the next 4 years. It's going to be fun to see how much they grow and change.
 Bolivia, Part 2: Mud and Food, coming soon.


  1. It makes me so happy to see that you're kids are friends with the kids of the other reps. What a great connection!

    And lucky you, water in the pool. When we went there for team meeting, it was closed for cleaning. What a bummer.

  2. Jennifer, I'm thinking this is a different place, since it's in Bolivia. I doubt you went there for a team meeting! And yes, it's great the kids are buddies.
