Thursday, October 9, 2014

Spaghetti for Breakfast

On Monday we took a quick trip to Santiago Atitlan to take a new worker and get her settled with our partner there for the year.

When we visit the lake we usually stay with a local family. They are usually an indigenous family. The kids might speak some Spanish, as they are learning it in school, but it's much more unsure if the parents speak Spanish, and most likely the grandparents don't speak any.

The girls always love to visit because of all the animals running free, mainly chickens and ducks. They don't seem to mind the roosters crowing or the dogs barking at 5am like we do.
Right outside our room.
Ellie likes to help grind corn to feed the chickens.
Many of the women in the community do beadwork to sell in town and with our partner. The girls were "helping." 
The girls know how to keep themselves occupied while we have meetings. 
Walking around town gets tiring. 
Breakfast in this community often includes spaghetti, and always with tortillas, of course. We're not sure if this is because the community hosts a lot of people from the North, and they think it's something we are accustomed to, or maybe it's just cheap.
I bet YOU didn't have spaghetti for breakfast this morning!
The girls love noodles, regardless of which meal it is.

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