Friday, January 29, 2016

Dive in to February

A productive work day makes me feel useful and tends to help my attitude and overall feeling of contentment. Today was one of those days.

After three weeks of being sick, I'm *almost* better. I'm hoping in a few more days I can think about starting to run again, though frustratingly, I'm not there yet. It's hard to get motivated when you're sick for what feels like forever. I'm not quite sure how to get back into my routine.

It's a new month soon. A new month always feels like a clean slate. I get a fresh start on meal planning, building exercise into my routine, budgeting, everything. It's like starting over with new resolutions every 30 days. Who needs New Year's Eve to make resolutions?

This may be the most content I've felt since we moved to Guatemala. The girls are in swim class and Ellie's about to start soccer after school. They enjoy their school. They have friends. Michael and I are in a good rhythm at work. Our new normal is not likely to change drastically for a while. Finally. We don't plan to move in the rest of our time here. We are content with our house, our schedule, our routines. We don't plan to change the make-up of our family. Our baby is finally sleeping through the night which means after a year of waking up every few hours and 9 months of uncomfortable pregnancy sleeping before that, I finally see rest and hope in my near future.

Because, why not wear Minnie Mouse ears to school with the most frilly dress you own?
So, we're in a good spot and hoping that continues. Time to dive into another fresh, new month. What are your New Month Resolutions?

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