Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hazel's First Day of School, or "Bows Go With Everything"

Another big day in our house, as Hazel headed off to her first day of school.
No, not a clever Pinterest "First Day of School" sign. Just her placemat she'll use for her snack.
She loves that is says "Bows go with everything," and that's what she kept saying when I took this picture.
(Why not Ellie too? Since it's Hazel's first year on this side of the campus/building, I think they give her class an extra two days to adjust. Ellie starts on Monday).
She wanted a picture with Daddy.
Hazel tends to take a bit more warming up to new things, and usually is a bit more clingy. I was a little worried about her going without Ellie. When we walked her to the office, she had a few seconds of uncertainty as she realized that a teacher's helper was going to walk her all the way to her class, not us. But I quickly assured her we could wave to her from the door as it's just across a short patio, and she conceded.
She grabbed the aid's hand and walked with her way-too-big backpack. When she got to the door, her teacher bent down, and I saw Hazel reach out and hug her new teacher. The teacher planted a kiss on her cheek. (I don't think that would happen in the States?) After conversing for a bit Hazel finally turned and waved to us with her teacher, a huge smile plastered on her face.
Whew! Relief!

The true litmus test was after school. She ran right by me when I picked her up and and headed straight for Ruby, determined to give her a kiss. She was happy, smiling, content.

She told me about the bubbles her teacher blew, and what she colored, and the blocks she played with, and the chica AND the chico (emphasis intentional) that she played with. She also has a new best friend, Valeria. When I asked her what the best part about her day was, she threw her hands into the air and said, "my best friend!"

I'm so glad she connected with a friend. Last year she had a little buddy in her class, though I never met her. At church and with any of our friends Hazel is usually one of the younger ones, and doesn't always have a playmate. I'm hopeful she will make her own friends this year, not just the siblings of Ellie's friends.

Meanwhile, Ellie and I snuggled and watched a movie this morning, AND I took a nap, AND Ruby slept for 4 hours (after throwing up all over me. On the bright side, she woke up and it seems her fever broke and she is back to herself).

I'm a content, thankful Mama today.

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