Sunday, January 3, 2016

Larger Than Rice

Today I did yoga. In actual yoga pants. I also gave myself extra credit points for doing it while my almost 1-year old was sitting on my head. That's not a joke. Her favorite thing to do when I'm laying on the floor is sit on my head.

I made lime scones this morning. I ate three of them today. So there's that.

It's our last day home together before we head back to work. Michael heads back to the office, the girls start school in less than two weeks, and a new routine and new normal will begin for us. So we stayed home, played, watched some Netflix. And ate scones.

Also, one of the most disgusting experiences of my life occurred this morning. Michael pulled our last boxed milk (we drink boxed milk here) out of the cupboard above the fridge and found some unwelcome guests.

" that?" I heard him say. It sounded dramatic.

I grabbed a stool to step up and see the shelf. Probably 20 or 30 huge ants were crawling all over a big white pile of what looked like extra large pieces of rice...

We've had these huge ants all over the kitchen and even dining room over the last several weeks. I usually find them in the morning on the counter, or in the sink if there's any leftover food around. Every single morning I check the water kettle on the stove before I fill it to make hot water, because often there's one floating inside.

They are big. And fast. The other day one ran and jumped off the counter to get away from me. They are nasty. Supposedly harmless. But nasty to me, and huge. And just really gross.

So this morning we saw this pile of ants in this cozy corner of the dark cupboard and quickly realized they were on eggs. Just let that sink in. Eggs, larger than the size of a piece of rice. They were up in this dark corner, behind the honey, next to several empty glass jars.

We quickly removed the jars, knowing that the second we disturbed them there'd be a mad dash. Michael grabbed the RAID (thankfully we had some!) and started spraying like crazy. The ants went bizerk, jumping to their death like madmen. They were all over. And then the discovery that the second shelf, above the first one, was where the REAL action was. That's where the bigger nest was, with even more ants.

So, so gross. Michael sprayed and squished these nasty things until we were certain they were all dead. It was bad.

So, he earned his scones this morning. And I'm really hoping there won't be any more ants in the water kettle tomorrow morning.

Oh, and I snapped a picture, which is more like the tip of the iceberg since I didn't know what was on the second shelf, but here you go. It still makes me a little nauseous:

UPDATE: I asked Michael and he said there were probably 100 on each shelf. I was way off.

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