Friday, January 8, 2016

School Days

Today we got to walk to school and meet the girls' new teachers. The girls have been out of school since mid-October, so after almost three months at home, I don't know who's more ready for school to start again, them or me. Hazel will start on Thursday, and Ellie the following Monday.

The school is divided into two halves, two buildings. Last year Hazel was on the side for the younger kids, ages 1-3. This year she moves over to the "big kid" side, which hosts ages 3 through 1st grade. She's always a bit shy and timid at first, and I can tell it will take a few days for her to adjust. But it was helpful to find her classroom, meet her teacher, see her hook where she will hang up her apron. And she's excited to be closer to Ellie. They can see each other's classroom doors from their own classrooms.

Ellie will be in Kinder which is actually like pre-kindergarten here. Because she turned five in October, she will start what is Kindergarten here next year.

Walking to school this morning, I couldn't help but snap a picture of my big girls. Yesterday was Hazel's half birthday, which means she's officially closer to age 4 than age 2. Weird. They both seem so grown-up. Also, adorable.
Ellie was a little bummed to learn that her small group of friends were divided among the 4 classes of the same age; they're all separated. But she's looking forward to making new "best friends." I guess that will be the same lesson every year for the rest of her school days.

The girls' stack of schoolbooks grew this year. Ellie's books are a mix of Spanish and English, a lot of reading and phonics, science and math. Hazel's are tracing and cutting and learning letters. As much as we love this school (the convenience of it, it's more intentional, the teachers are more experienced), I can't help but think that it's on the over-academic side. That's normal here, but I am in the camp that kids need lots of playtime and unstructured play in their day. I will have to make sure they get this at home in the afternoons.
Onward towards another year in Guatemala!

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