Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Good Luck Lemons

This is what bad luck looks like, or, a really bad "case of the Mondays," if you've ever seen the movie Office Space:
On Monday our truck was broken into during lunch and Michael's backpack was stolen. This was especially frustrating because he almost *never* leaves his backpack in the truck, but did this one time. This automatically signifies a time sucker. Replacing a passport is no easy task, and we travel to Honduras in a few short weeks. Then there's dealing with work files on the laptop, and accounting for other small items in the bag that aren't replaceable. Notes, agenda, calendar, chargers for his watch and phone. Lame. Lame. Lame.

Today we got a call and our luck reversed. Apparently, Michael's passport was found tossed in front of the US Embassy. They tracked Michael down and he is going to go pick it up this afternoon. What?!?! I'm pretty sure this never happens. We are beyond thrilled.

Besides being super random and crazy and practically unheard of, this saves us time and stress. He had filed a police report that had to be authenticated at the Department of Justice before trying to get a new passport. It was going to be quite the process. We are feeling so thankful in the midst of a crummy situation.

And then I had other random luck today. In three years of being here in Guatemala, I've never seen lemons (I explain in this blog post). Today I found these:
Also, I've never seen fresh blueberries. Today I found these, right across from the lemons:
The arandanos (blueberries) were spendy (more than $4 for one of these containers), so I didn't buy any, but I did buy some lemons. I'm having a hard time deciding between making fresh lemonade, lemon scones, or some other yummy lemon dessert. I might make them all.

 Because when life hands you lemons, you grab a whole bunch and horde them until you can make something delicious. I think that's how the saying goes. 

 At the least, I'll make something to celebrate our good luck after a rough start to the week.


  1. I can't believe you guys got the passport back!!! That is amazing and fantastic!

    So last night at about 1:30 a.m. Gabe was throwing up in bed, Terry is out traveling, and I thought to myself "I'm having a Melissa moment." But really it's just a Mom/life moment, right?

    Lemos = so many possibilities!

  2. Elizabeth, That is really funny, but you are right, it's a Mom moment! I have a lemon loaf in the oven right now. :)
