I have found myself extremely weepy at moments, probably due to a lot of hormones, but I am also just in awe and so grateful to have been given such a precious gift. I think the last 12 days since we had Ellie have gone by faster than the last couple months of my pregnancy! That could be because we are on a three-hour continuous cycle of feeding, sleeping, and trying to function on little sleep. Either way, time is flying and I already get sad at moments thinking about how fast she's changing and growing. (Such a cliche mom-thing to say, I know).
Here are pictures to highlight a few of my first favorite moments:
These first three are some of my favorites. I was a total mess from no sleep all night and surgery, and was weeping like crazy, but this was the first chance I had to hold Ellie. After my C-section Michael went with Ellie into the nursery while I was sewed up and taken to post-op. She was born at 9:13 and I didn't get to hold her or see her again until after 11. I sat in a room by myself in bed, legs completely numb and completely groggy and literally couldn't keep my eyes open, waiting to hold her. As soon as they placed her in my arms I couldn't stop crying. She was so beautiful, and perfect, and I was so thankful to be holding her. It had been a long road to get to this moment.

The hospital really encourages "skin-to-skin" time, where the parent (mom or dad) holds the baby on a bare chest while the baby is just in a diaper. It's all about stimulating the baby and creating that special bond. I have surprised myself with how much I love this time with Ellie. She's so little right now, and fits perfectly on my chest, and I get sad thinking that at some point she'll be too big for this. Some days when I'm feeling extra emotional, or Ellie's had a rough feeding or just can't settle down, I just head to the bedroom and spend quality skin time with her. I can't put into words how special that time is.
Ellie loves to hold her fists by her chin. The other day I looked at her 20-week ultrasound picture, and she is holding her fist right next to her face. I guess she's been doing that for a while!
We had read that newborns will mimic right from birth, so I started sticking my tongue out, and she responded right away by sticking her tongue back at me.
Daddy has the magic touch.
I absolutely love this picture. She loves her daddy so much already, and loves to sleep on his chest. This is a common site around home these days, especially at 2am.
We've taken lots of pictures, so we'll try to post more soon. I had to laugh at myself the other day when Ellie was gripping the side of her car seat and I pulled my camera out to take a picture. She is definitely a first child, as we take pictures of every little thing! We are such proud parents. :)