-I am mentally preparing for 60 degrees and rain in Oregon. It's supposed to be in the 80s and get up to 91 this weekend while I'm gone. Welcome, Spring in Fresno.
-Ellie and I are traveling to Oregon while Michael is flying to the Middle East to Jordan and Palestine. My grandparents are flying out from North Carolina. I'm excited for Ellie to meet her great-grandparents and can't wait to have a 4-generation picture.
-Here is a 5-generation picture from when I was little. Maybe someday I will have that again. (Crazy to think that would make me a grandmother!) Still, 4 is pretty good these days.
-I'm thankful for a two-hour direct flight from Fresno to Portland. I have a large, 30-week belly (that looks like I'm due sooner) and realize there's no way Ellie can sit in my lap and have the tray down. This will make for an interesting flight. I'm hoping for an empty seat next to me. Maybe my large belly will scare everyone around me on the flight.
-This week marks the 30-week point in my pregnancy. Yikes. 10 weeks to go. I've started going to the doctor every 2 weeks. I've also gained much more weight than I wanted. Oh well.
-This week also marks Ellie's half birthday. I can't believe my little baby is a year and a half. She is such a ham these days. She literally makes us laugh out loud and is developing such a funny, spunky personality. For example:
Ellie wanted to wear her pink skirt and a little while later I found her with her purple skirt trying to put it on Clifford. She is one funny girl.
-My favorite Ellie-isms lately have to do with her playing with her dolls (hopefully in preparation for helping with her baby sister?!) She loves to change their diapers, which includes finding her cloth wipes and the water spray to clean her baby, feeds them, rocks them and sings to them, pushes them around in her stroller, and is a good little mama to her babies.
-Ellie is my big helper and loves to help stir whatever is in the kitchen. I love getting her involved in the food preparation.
-Ellie still doesn't seem thrilled when I hold other babies, but is getting better. She's been more clingy lately and seems to want mommy a lot more. We think she senses that things are soon changing.
-I'm constantly wondering what life will be like with two. How will I give attention to both daughters? How is Ellie going to respond to all the changes? Am I ready for sleepless nights?
-We still have no name picked out for this baby girl. We have a short list of names we don't despise, but nothing jumps out at us and we can't seem to agree on names we like. This baby may not be named until we have to leave the hospital. (Sorry, family!) Actually, I really would love to have the name figured out so I could work on a few projects with her name. Maybe we will be inspired soon.
-I am trying to enjoy my time left with Ellie as an only child, but also anticipating with excitement our new addition. Life is just chugging away!
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