My left ear is plugged, majorly. Like I can't hear out of it. I'm going on my third week of being sick and unable to work out. In spite of this, I spent time looking up half-marathons today. I'm hoping to actually do one in this year, although it's a bit discouraging when three weeks go by and I still can't do anything physical. I might have to go see a doctor. I'm fairly certain I have a sinus infection. Boo infections.
This girl is in the put-everything-in-containers-and-dump-it-out stage. She LOVED helping clean up the Jenga blocks today.
I realized today that I know almost nothing about any of the US Presidential candidates, except that Trump is absolutely the last person I would ever, ever vote for. Also, I learned today that Bernie Sanders is not a Socialist. He's a Democratic Socialist. There's a difference, though most people don't seem to realize that. I actually went to his website and read his views on the issues. Very enlightening, regardless of who you want to vote for. Do you know where all the candidates stand on the major issues?
I was Senior Class President in high school, and as someone pointed out to me today, I will be helping plan our class reunions until I die. I'm not sure I really fully grasped that when I was 17. Also, I don't know much about planning reunions. There should be a handbook, or something.
I love how excited Ellie has been to come home from school each day and tell me about how the earth is a planet, the sun is a big star, and the sun gives off heat. The best part was this afternoon when we were listening to her favorite, Taylor Swift, and she heard the word "heat" and got really excited. Not sure it was the same kind of heat, but good listening skills, Ellie.
Heh, I've gotten some grief for posting that link about Sanders! From Brian's uncle. He calls it "socialism lite", but after visiting Sweden last fall, I have to say, compared to the total greed and income inequality here there's definitely some things to be said for it. At the very least it's an attempt, if only by "government coerced compassion" to actually provide for the orphans and widows like we are commanded to.
Krista, I also get grief from family and friends when I post those kinds of things. It can be hard, and at some points it makes me want to disengage, but I'm learning when to speak up and when to stay quiet. It's a hard balance. That's an interesting perspective that you went to Sweden because I've also had people tell me negative sides to living in Socialist countries. I agree, however, that there seems to be some good things about it. :)
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