I'm 27 weeks pregnant today which means I'm in the last week of my second trimester. The other day a friend said to me, "Your pregnancy is going by really fast for me." My reply: "It's going fast for me too!"
I can't help but compare this pregnancy with my last, and there are some definite differences:
-I'm so much more tired this time. It's true what they say, having a little one to chase around keeps me busy and doesn't allow for napping any time I want.
-I threw up every other night for 16 weeks with Ellie. I've only gotten that sick three times this pregnancy, but I am still nauseous at times, even at 27 weeks.
-This pregnancy is flying by, whereas the last one seemed to drag on. This could change in the third trimester.
-With my first full-term pregnancy, I was always very aware of being pregnant. This time, I go hours where I forget I'm pregnant, despite the huge belly attached to me. I don't have time for it to be as all-consuming, and before, I had a full-time job.
-I've gained less weight so far. With Ellie I gained 50 pounds! I have been able to exercise more and be more aware of my activity this time, despite being more tired. I'm certain I'm still going to be beyond the recommended weight gain of 25-35 pounds by the end. Oh well. I plan to lose it all again. (I turn 30 in December and want to try to run a half marathon before I exit my 20s). I've embraced the fact that my body is more susceptible to weight gain during pregnancy, and I refuse to stress about it. I just want a healthy baby.
-The first time around I was researching everything from car seats to birthing techniques to sleeping patterns before the positive pregnancy test was in the trash. This time, I haven't done anything except read my weekly updates about how my baby is growing. It helps that many of these things aren't nearly as intimidating the second time around.
-I took a picture of my growing belly almost every single week with the last pregnancy. I think we've taken two or three this time.

I'm 24 weeks in these pictures.
-I had a very specific birth plan with Ellie: no induction, no epidural, and especially no C-section. None of these worked out. This time, I have the same goals. I am hoping to have a VBAC, would like to try without an epidural, and don't have the option of being induced. (If I go a week past my due date I will go straight to a C-section). But, I feel like I am holding each of these more loosely this time. I simply want a healthy baby and whatever it takes to get her here is what I'll endure. (Side note: other parts of our birth plan were carried out, like no Hepatitis B shot in the hospital, delayed vaccinations, and no pacifier or formula given to Ellie.)
-With Ellie, Michael was my "pain management tool." He rubbed my back and helped me through each contraction that hit every few minutes for about 12 hours straight. Afterward, we both realized how hard it was on him mentally and physically, and we've talked about having someone else around to relieve his duties, be it a doula or someone else. Of course, we haven't even talked about those options yet for this pregnancy, but we will. (See Ellie's birth story here and here.)

-Because I'm not working a full-time job like last time (if you don't count being a stay-at-home mom), I have been able to get a few things done on my to-do list. With Ellie, we moved when I was 8 months pregnant so I didn't even attempt to set up her room until the last month of pregnancy.
I made a reversible car seat cover for our new little one, and it was a super fun project. This was my third one, and I think I get better with each one. (Here is my first and here is my second one).
I made more cloth wipes and pre-registered for the hospital. I've sorted through my newborn clothes to figure out what we need. Since this baby will be born in a different season than Ellie she will have slightly different clothing needs.
Items still on my to-do list:
-Do some major spring cleaning
-Redecorate and organize the girls' room-it's strange to not just call it Ellie's room anymore.
-Make curtains for living room and girls' room
-Keep scrapbooking Ellie's pages before her sister arrives
-Get more cloth diapers
-Figure out a double stroller system
-Figure out when to move Ellie to a toddler bed, sometime after the baby is born to give her time to adjust
-Figure out what other baby items we need for this baby
-Build Ellie a sandbox in our back yard
-Update our birth plan/think about a doula
-Pick out a name for this baby girl!
-Go on a Babymoon!! (Not sure if this will happen, but a girl can hope!)
-Soak up the time we have left as a family of three. I can't help but think that soon enough we will only faintly remember these 20 months with only one child.